Important information for COVID-19 Precautions

What you can expect on your next visit to our office...

Masks are no longer mandatory for patients.  However, if you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, please ask for one upon arrival. We are happy to share! 

If there has been a change in your dental insurance, please let us know.

As much as possible, we will continue to minimize direct physical contact other than in treatment areas.  If you receive an email from us with a link to update your medical history, please take the opportunity to do it online well before your appointment.

 For more information on what exactly we were doing during Covid, and continue to do so now, please click on this link to our blog.


****Here are some of the things we continue to do in the office to protect our patients and ourselves...

We know that most viruses are transmitted by respiratory droplets that might come in contact with your nose, mouth or eyes.  That presents some unique challenges for the dental profession, as the area you have been warned to keep covered is where we need to work. 

I would like to share with you what precautions we put in place in 2020 and continue to do:

  1. Our reception area has been streamlined, with toys removed for now.  We have added a “sneeze barrier” between our front office staff and our reception area. 
  2. We have multiple dispensers for hand sanitizer located throughout the office, and we are happy to share!
  3. We are all “infection control” nerds here (check out my previous blog about what we were already doing for “infection control” well before Covid-19 came on the scene). If you’re the kind of person that has always used hand sanitizer in a restaurant AFTER you’re done touching the menu, or wiped down surfaces on your airplane seat and hotel room before it became fashionable—you’ll fit in just fine here!

With respect to our treatment areas

High volume air purifiers have been installed in each treatment room and in the reception area (see photo on left above).  These purifiers are designed to completely recirculate the air every 12 minutes.  

We are proud of what we do protect our patients and ourselves.  I hope that you will feel free to ask questions about what we are doing to protect our patients as well as ourselves. Be well and we look forward to seeing you soon!

dr. marcia blazer in scottsdale, az  provides an extra level of protection using a fogger. this reduces the amount of pathogens in the air, including covid 19.
dr. blazer provides hand sanitizer in an effort to control the spread of covid 19. visit our scottsdale, az office today!



Where to Find Us

Call: (480) 608-9125

11000 N Scottsdale
Scottsdale, AZ 85254


11000 N Scottsdale|
Scottsdale, AZ 85254

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